The link for the advert :
The advert starts with a very wide and open gallery this would be the establishing shot of the advert, its a very attractive open shot which clearly sucks the audience in to know what the advert is on, it slowly moves in to the room
it then cuts to the man who is sitting on the seat in the middle of the room, a man with tattoos it almost goes against the stereotype you first build up as it comes into the room as you would expect a well dressed man looking at art
A man is shown very briefly afterwards in a park, almost as a narrative or a story the person in the art gallery is thinking of
it then clearly shows the man in the park which is professor green a very well known rapper, this is a good thing for the advert as he would be associated with it, it also make the advert look a lot more respectable.
a wide shot of the man looking over the river thames, its a very clear and well done shot to show the narrative with it
the tattooed man comes into shot now with him looking like he is writing, most likely lyrics for professor green
it then cuts to him by his computer with the product strategically placed next to it to finally understand what the advert is about, its very vibrant and shows the can fully
it then cuts to the man drinking it topless to show all of his tattoos, over some fire, this shot is used to make a very bold statement of the instinctal and back to nature way of it.
it then goes to a shot of prof green rapping into a mic then him moving down to drink the relentless, it shows he actually cares about the product and makes you want to try and find out what its like
it then goes to a band getting ready for a gig under lights, this is very much associated with relentless, as mostly the audience is party goers.
with the party going and professor green and his band playing on stage it shows how they start there gigs with relentless
with the many of the remaining shots its of them performing a gig to a group of people, where it gets a bit hectic and thats what relentless want to associate with them and there audience
it then finishes off with there catch phrase and a shot of the drink, with it saying 'no half measures'
Overall this is a very well narrated and easy to watch advert with a big name in it making it look like a bigger budget advert, they make sure the associate things to there target audience so the target audience would be roughly late teens, mid twenties.
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