Friday, 4 April 2014

Radio Advert

When coming up with the advert i wanted to keep it on the theme of sport and it giving that vital boost when drinking it, the dialogue i created was so i could dramatize it with sound the advert is " Five minutes to game time, the clocks ticking, the pressures mounting and you need that added boost to beat your competition, and that boost you need is primal, with its all natural supplements and no added sugar  its scientifically proven to work in minutes discover primal discover the strength within" when coming to the sound of the piece i wanted it to be hinting towards time so i chose a piece of music that had an element of time within the music with a slight ticking noise of a clock and when coming to the slogan at the end I chose to do a gun shot before to make them think its a race then the catchy slogan comes.

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