Friday, 4 April 2014

Feedback Advert 1

When creating my piece i didnt want it to be biased to my views and only create what i wanted to see, so i gathered a group of people together and made them give feed back on my piece so i can edit/change what needs to be done to make it a better piece all together.

" I found the advert very easy to watch and understand however i feel the race should have a little more build up to make the advert more intense"

"when watching it the only pointer id give is to have a longer catch line at the end of the advert and also make the transitions alittle smoother"

" With showing your brand i would have a shot earlier on to make it obvious to the watcher/audience on what the advert is on"

This is only some of the feedback given but it really helped me change my piece and see things the audience would want, with the main factors making the advert more intense and smoother transitions.

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